Page 33 - BASF-CHEMETALL Metalworking Collateral (NA)
P. 33

Tech Cool  35920

        Chemetall’s newest synthetic

        metalworking fluid.

        Metal compatability at 5% in DI

        Tech Cool 35920 exhibits anti-staining properties on the following alloys.

           318 Alum   356 Alum   6061 Alum   7075 Alum   Copper   Brass    Cast Iron   1018 Steel

        Tapping torque lubricity at 5% in DI                    Cast iron chip at 5% in 600 ppm
                                                                hard water after 24 hours
        A quantitative test of the lubricity performance of
        the metalworking fluid.

         Alloy Machined  1018 Steel

           6061 Alum


                    0    20     40    60     80   100    120    Tech Cool 35920   Semi (High oil)    Semi (Low oil)
                                 % Ef ciency
              Tech Cool  35920    Semi (Low oil)  Semi (High oil)

        Learn about Tech Cool 35920, our newest synthetic       Experience the benefits
        metalworking fluid that is free of petroleum oil, mineral oil,
        sulfur, boron and formaldehyde-releasing compounds,        Enhance your productivity with a clean operation.
        and offers equal or superior performance to petroleum oil      Extend sump life.
        containing products. Improve the quality of your process      Lower foam.
        with Tech Cool, proving to be the cleanest running coolants      Superior corrosion protection.
        in the metalworking industry!                              Multi-metal applications.

        With our innovative and award winning line of Tech Cool
        coolants, we are dedicated to your success through our
        commitment to continuous innovation. Increase your
        efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability.
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